No, you and your visitors can access your main page and all pages on your account either with or...
Does Colosseum Online Inc. offer shared SSL certificate or secure access?No, we currently do not provide shared SSL certificate or shared secure access. You will need to...
How do I contact the Colosseum Online Inc. support team if I need help?Our Support department is always available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to...
How do I create my web site?As far as creating your web site, there are many web authoring programs and WYSIWYG (What You See...
How do I upload the files which make up my website?To upload the files which make up your web site to your Colosseum Online Inc. account, you will...
How to create a secure password?While we take security seriously here at Colosseum Online Inc., do everything in our power to...
I uploaded an Index.htm file to my account but it doesn't show up as the index. What's wrong?Why is the Under Construction default page still showing up even after I have uploaded Index.htm...
Index file naming conventionsBy default, our servers will look for (in order) a file by the name of index.html, index.cgi,...