Below is a list of currently available templates on our cloud control panel.
We are also adding new templates each week as they become available. If you are looking for a specific OS and application combination open a support ticket with your request.
You can also make your own templates by converting a backup of a VM you currently have into a user template so you can start creating additional servers in seconds.
You can see a full list of templates on our website.
Arch Linux 2010.05 x64
Arch Linux 2010.05 x86
CentOS 5.5 x86
CentOS 5.6 x86
CentOS 6.0 x86
CentOS 6.1 x86
CentOS 6.2 x86
CentOS 5.5 x64
CentOS 5.6 x64
CentOS 6.0 x64
CentOS 6.1 x64
CentOS 6.2 x64
Debian 5.0 x86
Debian 5.0 x64
Debian 6.0.0 x64
Elastix 2.2 x64
Fedora 13 x86
Fedora 14 x86
Fedora 15 x86
Fedora 13 x64
Fedora 14 x64
Fedora 15 x64
FreeBSD 8.2 x64 (Beta)
Gentoo 10.1_2.6.34 x64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 x86*
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.6 x86*
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0 x86*
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1 x86*
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.2 x86*
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 x64*
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.6 x64*
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0 x64*
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1 x64*
Ubuntu 10.10 x86
Ubuntu 11.04 x86
Ubuntu 8.04 x64
Ubuntu 10.04 x64
Ubuntu 10.10 x64
Ubuntu 11.04 x64
Ubuntu Desktop 11.04 x86
Ubuntu Desktop 11.04 x64
Windows 2003 x64 Standard*
Windows 2003 x64 Standard R2*
Windows 2003 x64 Enterprise*
Windows 2003 x64 Enterprise R2*
Windows 2003 x86 Standard*
Windows 2003 x86 Standard R2*
Windows 2003 x86 DC*
Windows 2003 x86 DC R2*
Windows 2003 x86 Enterprise R2*
Windows 2008 x64 Standard*
Windows 2008 x64 Standard R2*
Windows 2008 x64 DC*
Windows 2008 x64 DC R2*
Windows 2008 x64 Web*
Windows 2008 x64 Web R2*
Windows 2008 x64 Enterprise*
Windows 2008 x64 Enterprise R2*
Windows 2008 x86 Standard*
Windows 2008 x86 DC*
Windows 2008 x86 Web*
Windows 2008 x86 Enterprise*
ClearOS 5.1 x86
ClearOS 5.1 x86 Antispam
ClearOS 5.1 x86 MySQL
ClearOS 5.1 x86 OpenVPN
ClearOS 5.1 x86 Web Proxy
ClearOS 5.1 x86 Web Server
ClearOS 5.2.sp1 x86
ClearOS 5.2.sp1 Antispam x86
ClearOS 5.2.sp1 MySQL x86
ClearOS 5.2.sp1 OpenVPN x86
ClearOS 5.2.sp1 WebProxy x86
ClearOS 5.2.sp1 WebServer x86
CentOS 5.5 LAMPP x86
CentOS 5.5 cPanel x64*
CentOS 5.5 LAMPP x64
CentOS 5.5 LAMP x64
CentOS 5.5 Optimized_Hardened_LAMP x64
CentOS 5.5 Plesk (9.5.2) x86
CentOS 5.5 Plesk (9.5.2) x64
CentOS 5.6 LAMP x86
CentOS 5.6 cPanel x64*
CentOS 5.6 cPanel OneClickSSL x64*
CentOS 5.6 LAMP x64
CentOS 5.6 Plesk (10.2) x64
CentOS 6.0 Apache x86
CentOS 6.0 Apache x64
CentOS 6.0 LAMP x86
CentOS 6.0 LAMP x64
CentOS 6.0 MySQL x86
CentOS 6.0 MySQL x64
CentOS 6.0 Webuzo x86
CentOS 6.0 Webuzo x64
CentOS 6.1 Apache x86
CentOS 6.1 Apache x64
CentOS 6.1 LAMP x86
CentOS 6.1 LAMP x64
CentOS 6.1 MySQL x86
CentOS 6.1 MySQL x64
CentOS 6.2 Apache x86
CentOS 6.2 Apache x64
CentOS 6.2 LAMP x86
CentOS 6.2 LAMP x64
CentOS 6.2 MySQL x86
CentOS 6.2 MySQL x64
Debian 6.0.0 LAMP x64
CloudLinux Server 5.5 x64
CloudLinux Server 5.5 MySQL x64
CloudLinux Server 5.5 x64 Apache
CloudLinux Server 5.5 x64 cPanel, WHM*
CloudLinux Server 5.5 x64 ISPmanager
CloudLinux Server 5.5 x64 LAMP
CloudLinux Server 5.6 x64
CloudLinux Server 5.6 MySQL x64
CloudLinux Server 5.6 Apache x64
CloudLinux Server 5.6 cPanel OneClickSSL x64*
CloudLinux Server 5.6 ISPmanager x64
CloudLinux Server 5.6 LAMP x64
CloudLinux Server 5.6 Plesk x64
CloudLinux Server 5.7 x64
CloudLinux Server 5.7 Apache x64
CloudLinux Server 5.7 LAMP x64
CloudLinux Server 5.7 MySQL x64
CloudLinux Server 6.1 x64
CloudLinux Server 6.1 Apache x64
CloudLinux Server 6.1 LAMP x64
CloudLinux Server 6.1 MySQL x64
Windows 7 x64 Professional*
Windows XP Professional x86*
openSUSE 11.4 x64
openSUSE 11.4 x86
Scientific Linux 6.0 x64
Scientific Linux 6.0 x86
Scientific Linux 6.1 x64
Scientific Linux 6.1 x86
Scientific Linux 6.2 x64
Scientific Linux 6.2 x86
*There may be additional charges for software licenses where applicable (for cPanel, Windows, etc..)
Colosseum Sales Team
Phone: 416-739-7873
US & Canada: 1-877-739-7873
Fax: 416-739-1732
Thursday, August 15, 2013